Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Today I obtained some Sriracha hot sauce from Jeff’s past.

I use a lot of hot sauce and I hate Wal-mart.  One day about a week ago I saw this hot sauce on the internet.  Jeff recognized it from the tables at a place called Murphys that he used to eat like 10 years ago.   He remembered it as awesome.  Sooooo we sent Kim to about 4 grocery stores to get it for us.  She did not find it.  The internet said Wal-mart had it.  So finally today Jeff and I went to the Wal-mart about a half an hour away.  It was awful.  All the people were sweating and angry.  Then when we found the hot sauce there was none of this there.  So we went to the ethnic food aisle because I have had success with the hot sauce found in the mexican section.  We found it in the asian section to the right of the mexican section.  We bought 3 bottles and went directly home.  I figured it would be so-so.  Boy was I wrong it is awesome.  I am in the process of trying it on everything in our kitchen.  God bless Sriracha hot chili sauce.

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