Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Minutes ago we decided to watch a Star Wars movie. Minute ago we decided that just like most times we watch a Star Wars movie it will be Episode 4:A New Hope. Then seconds ago I heard Jeff ask Kim if they made lightsabers and they cost 600 dollars would she want one. She said “no they seem too dangerous.” I am amazed that there are people in this world who would not pay 600$ for a lightsaber. I have thought about it you could probably get like 10 thousand dollars for some, but only nerds and people who cut things for a living would buy them. 2k$ and you bring in hobbyists and martial artists. 600 bucks though? Untill just now I firmly believed that EVERYONE in the world would get one. Take note, this is one of the rare times that I stand corrected. Picture Unrelated.