Saturday, November 29, 2008

Cactus Trick

Some people think there is a difference between Coke and Pepsi.  Some people also thought the Pogoball was a good idea.  Jeff and I devised this experiment we like to call the Cactus Trick of Death.  We tested it on Kim while she was wearing a bulky sweater.  

Rhonda loves Pepsi.

Thursday, November 27, 2008


I blame not only Obama for the jiggy with it part, but everyone who voted for him.  

I liked the calendar joke though.  That is pure Republican.

Thanksgiving is stupid.

I am going over to the Seminole Hard Rock Casino, formerly the Seminole Gaming Palace to hopefully be thankful for a cornucopia of chips if they are spreading a game of 8s or better.

Thanksgiving Dinner.

In other thanks giving news, this is what my character in the most recent Castlevania game is having for dinner.  Castlevania is a fun game.  I read on the internet that the crab is cheap but he is easy if you hide in the corner and hit him with the hammer from there.

I am mildly amused by the description of the meat, but why would they even put this in the game?  They could have used that space for some shiny red pants that make you punch vampires better or something.  Oh well, they say hindsight is 20/20.

In other vampire news, I am sad that Trueblood is over that was a good story.  I hope to build a montage of all the lines Terry had when I get some time.  He is awesome.

It is settled.  I am making fish on the grill.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Because Guadalupe never shows up on my toast.

I was thinking about how Mexicans get pictures of religious figures on their toast and I have never seen one.  From what I understand my ancestors were from Mexico.  I guess my toast is not included in God’s plan because I was born in The Estados Unidos or something.  Because of this I have decided that this one of my spots looks like Buddha.  Did not see that h coming in the word Buddha?  Do not worry, neither did I.  Who would?  Stupid H.  Always there when you do not want it, never around when you need one.    Anyway, I am very spiritual.  
Not like that godless cat.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Once again my arch enemy the cactus shows up.

This was new in my house so I tried one last night.  I then played the worst Nintendo DS game of all time, Gourmet Chef drowsily all night.  I could not explain this behavior until this morning when I had a closer look at the bottle.  First Dave Atell, now this.  Insomniacs get to have all the fun.
The FDA is really not what it used to be.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

How unfortunate.

I blame this on Obama.  Talk about the moral decline of our great Nation.  Some construction workers would be just trying to get some lunch from this construction worker lunch truck and have to put up with this offensive language.  I hope being exposed to this type of language does not cause trouble for the construction workers at home.  

Not funny construction worker lunch truck, not funny at all.

I am pretty tough.

Today on my walk I located a gold chain in the street.  Utilizing  some of the pliers I referenced last week I made it my size.  I think it makes me look tough.  Next I hope I find a tracksuit on the street that I can cut down to size.  Then the next day maybe a whole bunch of very strong cologne.  Then all I will need to do is dye the hair on my chest black and slick my ears back.  That will be rad.  Cologne is the stupidest spelled word I have ever seen.  Did you guys know Andrew Dice Clay is Jewish?

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Bed Bath and Beyond?

More like bed bath and kitchen, am I right folks?
hey, is this thing on? 
tap tap tap

I was at stupid Walgreens again today.

We have to assume the aliens took another child.  They seem to be getting smarter because they did not leave the stroller behind this time.  There was no acid like alien blood on the floor so either the baby did not fight back or they are not the aliens from the movie Aliens.  The pieces of the puzzle are coming together nicely.  If you have a baby I suggest you teach it to walk to and from it’s stroller with a set of big plastic keys sticking out between its fingers just in case.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

There is no good dog food.

I like spicy food.  I usually just have some of what Jeff is having. Jeff is always having something spicy or with hot sauce on it.  So I am always having something hot.  I do not seem to mind.  So we conclude that I like hot.
We were at the local gay dog store yesterday and saw this food.  Jeff picked it up and says “we will try this because Liberty likes spicy food.”  They corrected him and say that means it s made from the animal the buffalo, not like buffalo wings.  Then they made a big deal about Jeff giving me spicy food.  
Anyway, it says buffalo in red right on  the bag, what is the consumer supposed to think that means.  If you see the word buffalo on food in red and think “oh, the animal that you could use the bones for tools and the pelt for a sweater” you are either an indian or an idiot.  This is false advertising.  We finally found a dog food that looked good.  We bought it anyway and I do not like it.  Back to the drawing board as far as finding dog food I like.
The oppression I face as a dog that likes hot food is astounding.  We just ordered buffalo chicken tenders with an extra side of the scorched sauce.  Take that world. 

They were good

Monday, November 17, 2008

I wish this light bulb was dead.

Kim brought home this light bulb.  It is destroying our great Nation.  Think about it.  If we all replace our light bulbs this year with these stupid spiral 5 year light bulbs what are the lightbulb builders going to do for the next 4 years until we need them again?  Thats right.  Heroin.