Friday, May 29, 2009

I am very fast.

Today we obtained a nike+ sensor and some shoes to test my daily walks.  This is the data for my afternoon walk.  I will have to do some math to figure out the real numbers.  My pace should be faster because this does not factor in pee and smelling things breaks or the 3 minutes I spent barking at the neighbor, Jim when he rode his bike by and stopped to talk.  The calories may be a little higher because I think the barking burnt some that were not included.  Also this machine is kind of a jerk.  I mean come on who would it have hurt to just give me an even half mile.
The good news is that one serving of JujuBees is 52 pieces and 110 calories.  I take 2 walks daily now.  If I can work that up to 4 I can eat 52 jujubees a day and still fit into my skinny jeans. 

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