Sunday, April 6, 2008

and gasoline

Sunday, April 6, 2008
This is what I have to look forward to?  Today Jeff and I went skateboarding and then came inside.  Jeff said, “Liberty and I were putting gasoline in the motorcycle and she got some on her sweatshirt sleeve.  Then she lit a cigar and it caught the sleeve on fire.  Then the police came past and arrested her for having an illegal firearm.”  Kim looked at us and said “did you put the sweatshirt in the hamper.”  What kind of question is that for this story.  I would have asked what happened to the fireworks in the pockets of my sweatshirt.  I am going to eat seafood now.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Jeff and Kim got married?

Saturday, April 5, 2008
I will be biting her forever?  They went to the beach, I had to wear a dress.  The cat was not invited.  Karen carried me until it was time for me to do my work.  Then I ran to Jeff and then I barked at the guy by Jeff.  It was windy so there were waves.  Then Jeff went into the ocean in his new shoes.  Wayne Gretzky is awesome.
I play Big Brother in my head.  I finally got the bird to join my alliance and that gave me the votes to vote Kim out of the house this week.  I do knot know how things will play out in the house after this marriage.  I wish Wayne Gretzky was in my alliance.  Email me Wayne.  Even if you do not want to join my alliance, I would like to know where I can get an outfit like that.  I think the socks alone could give a cat a seizure.  Put the shorts like things on top of the pants and we could take over the world.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

See you next week, Jerks

Thursday, April 3, 2008
I will not be posting for a few days.  We finally have enough rebar and fiberglass for Jeff and I to start work on my project.  First step will take us all weekend in the garage.  I am fabricating a helmet for me and a saddle for the cat.  Why you ask?  I can not say because Kim may be reading this.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

reaction to yesterdays video on vid page

Tuesday, April 1, 2008
I feel about the same way that guy or girl in the Britney Spears reaction video feels.  I can not shave my head like Britney.  As you may have heard I am two.  QUICK LOOK OUT YOUR WINDOW, THERE IS A BEAR IN YOUR FRONT YARD.  I have only grown the hair you see in two whole years.  I am afraid if I cut it off it would take two years to grow back.  I would have to get some special shampoo that men with low self esteem pay too much for to speed up the process.  Jeff gets his hair cut every few weeks.  The barber puts hair tonic on him and then he smells like an old man.  With hair so short I do not go to the barber.  It is okay, because they are closed on mondays and the rest of my  week is pretty busy anyway.  This is going to be a wierd week.  Jeff and Kim’s family are both coming into town.  I am going to have a lot of growling to do.  
And in conclusion go to the video page to see my new video and April Fools about the bear.