Today I was stopped at the drawbridge waiting for some boat to drive under. There was an ambulance also stopped waiting for the bridge to close so we could drive over it. The ambulance’s lights were flashing. It was headed towards the beach so it was going to save someone as there is no hospital on the beach for it to be taking someone to.
How screwed up is that. Someone might be dead now because the ambulance could not get to them on time because some jerk wanted to have his yacht home for lunch.
No one with a working boat in that water has a big mast. Fishing boats can go under that bridge without it opening. Small fast fun boats with kids in them can go under with no problem. The only boats that need it opened are for old insecure men who wear pink polo shirts and refer to themselves as captain when on their private boat and no one else does. Why on earth does the local government not cut the cost of the drawbridge out and make the jerks install retractable masts if they want to go under the bridge? I know why. Because that would make sense. Then no motorcycles let alone emergency vehicles would have to wait for the boats to pass.
Look at the size of that gear that opens the bridge. It has to be at least 30 Princess Sparkles high. If we sold that gear the community could afford a dunk tank like at a carnival except it would be for dunking cats.
So from all this we lear that people who have yachts are murderers and people who have fishing boats are awesome because I like to eat fish. And cats suck.