Saturday, January 5, 2008
For a long time I have thought about chupacabras every day. There is a movie on right now called Chupacabra Terror. It is not very good. I would still like to think about chupacabra every day, but I do not think it will be as fun after seeing this movie. Later I am going to think about a chupacabra with a cell phone an see how that goes.
Also, Jeff keeps calling me crazy 8s for no apparent reason the last few days. I would prefer to be called crazy 5s because 5 is the easiest number to multiply things by.
Anyway, I traveled to a farm today.
I am keeping a list of things that smell bad. so far it looks like this:
1. elephants, do not go to circus anymore
2. farms, do not do to anymore farms
Wow that thing in the pic sure is one unattractive character. Glad I do not have to look at that goofball everyday. Nice earrings Jerk. Run, I think it heard me.